The Next Chapter Community
The #1 place for financial services leaders, change makers, innovators, and advisors to grow, learn, and connect.

Founding Partners:

Group Sponsors
Why we’re here

What is the Next Chapter Community?
Yearly event featuring prominent executives leading change in our industry.
Quarterly “think tank” style networking groups, discussing hot financial topics and how we can advance them.
Monthly newsletter featuring curated content from Next Chapter members and prominent industry publications.
Weekly blog with opportunities for Next Chapter members to contribute.
24/5 Access to your Executive Sponsors via networking events, quarterly “think tanks”, and email.
Your Executive Leadership

Steve Gresham
The Execution Project

Cheryl Nash
Financial Supermarket, InvestCloud

Jack Sharry

Heather Kelly
Senior Vice President
Allianz Life

Anne Ackerley
Head of Retirement

Wayne Chopus
Insured Retirement Institute

Ken Dychtwald
CEO and Founder
Age Wave

Riley Etheridge
President, North American Wealth Management Group
Capital Group

Nalika Nanayakkara
Managing Partner Americas, Financial Services Consulting Leader

Craig Pfeiffer
Money Management Institute

Jean Statler
Alliance for Lifetime Income

John Thiel
Executive Advisor and Board Director

Corey Walther
Allianz Life

Noreen Beaman
Board Director and Advisor

Chris J. Battaglia
Founder & CEO
Pareto Global Partners LLC

Sangeeta Moorjani
Head of Tax Exempt Business & Retirement Solutions, Executive Vice President
Fidelity Investments

Paula Nelson
Head of Strategic Growth, Individual Markets
Global Atlantic Financial Group